(Affiliated to Sant Gahira Guru Vishwavidyalaya Sarguja)
Ambikapur - 497001, Distt. - Surguja (Chhattisgarh)
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)




Code of Conduct : Students

Student would make the best use of the golden part of their life in higher education institution by devoting their energy for learning and developing a wholesome personality. Students are expected to maintain the highest standard of discipline and dignified manner of behavior inside, as well as outside the college campus. They shall abide by the rules and regulations of the college and should act in a way that highlights the discipline and esteem of the college.

  • Abide by Act, statutes, ordinances, rules, policies, procedures of the University/College and respect it’s ideal, vision, mission, cultural practices and the traditions.
  • Stay in an academic institution with the joyful learning experience.
  • Remain punctual, disciplined and regular in attending classes.
  • Observe modesty in overall appearance and behaviors.
  • Behave with dignity and courtesy with teachers, staff and fellow students.
  • Act as a role model for the junior students by attaining the highest level of values and morality.
  • Maintain harmony among students belonging to different socio-economic status, community, caste, religion, or region.
  • Contribute towards cleanliness of the campus and surroundings.
  • Respect and care for the institutional properties.
  • Observe proper behavior while on outside activities (educational tour/visit or excursion).
  • Be honest in providing only truthful information on all documents.
  • Maintain the highest standards of academic integrity while presenting own academic work.
  • Help teachers in maintaining the learning environment conductive for all students.
  • Strive to keep campus ragging free.
  • Be sensitive to social needs and development.
  • Maintain good health and refrain from any kind of intoxicants.
  • All students are expected to be present in the class well- within time. Late coming will also result in loss of attendance for the corresponding hour.
  • Students shall rise from their seats when the teacher enters the class room and remain standing till the teacher take her/his seat or they are allowed by the teacher to sit. Silence shall be observed during class hours.
  • Teachers shall be greeted appropriately with respect “Good Morning Sir/Miss/Madam or “Good Afternoon Sir/Miss/Madam and “Thank you Sir/Miss/Madam when the teacher leaves the class room.
  • No students shall enter or leave the class room when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned.
  • In the events of the student’s seminar/project presentation etc., it is compulsory that all the students of the concerned class be present for the entire session.
  • Students can leave the campus during class hours only after getting a gate pass from the Principal, HOD or the faculty assigned and after making entry in the gate register maintained by the gate keeper.
  • Students are expected to maintain silence in the academic building to maintain the decorum and, any deviant behavior such as hooting, whistling, loitering, etc will be treated as an incidence of indiscipline.
  • For independent study, students are expected to use classrooms, library or the demarcated areas of the academic building and shall not resort to sitting in staircases or on the roads where they could interfere with the free movement.
  • Students are encouraged to make use of the library, common computing facilities and to involve in professional body activities or any program authorised by the college beyond class hours. However under normal circumstances students shall retreat to their hostels or residence by 2 pm.
  • It is strongly advised to refrain from activities such as scribbling or noting on walls, doors or furniture which could deface the college and destroy the academic ambiance.
  • Carefully handle the furniture, equipments, fixtures and appliances of the college and lab. Careless handling/misuse of the above could result personal injuries or damage to property. Follow safety precautions near moving machines and electrical installations. In the event of damage or property, the responsible students will have to bear the cost or replacement/repair with fine.
  • Students are not permitted to arrange any authorised celebration and decoration of any magnitude in the campus without permission.
  • Students are not permitted to distribute or display (both physically and electronically) material such as notices, banners in the campus without the permission of the competent authority.
  • Students are expected to make use of academic, co-curricular and extracurricular facilities available to the optimum levels. This will certainly make them physically fit, academically competent, mentally alert and socially sensitive.
  • Students who intend to represent the college in intercollegiate events shall take prior permission from the concerned authority and the selection will be based on parameters such as academic performance, attendance, character, existing academic pressure and competence of the students in the proposed event of participation.
  • Political activity in any form is not permitted in the college campus. Unauthorized meetings, propaganda work, processions and fund collections are forbidden within the college, hostels, and outside the college.
  • Pay fees in advance or on time, which will avoid fines.


  • Students are expected to come to the college only in salwar suits.
  • On the day of assembly and value education the students shall come in pure white salwar suit.
  • Jeans and sleeveless, short sleeves are not permitted.
  • Students shall wear their ID card well displayed and uniform coat every day in the campus and in the class room.
  • All the students are expected to attend all the college functions in college uniform (White dress, Coat and ID card) unless otherwise specified.
  • Any dress code violation noticed within the campus will attract fine of Rs. 100 and could initiate further disciplinary actions.


Realizing the importance of communication and the possible impact of mobile phone usage inside the campus, the following guidelines are arrived at.

  • Students are not permitted to use mobile phones within the campus.
  • Students who are staying in the college hostels should not bring the mobile phones to college.
  • Day scholars carrying mobile phones to the college shall deposit the same in the designated place.
  • Students violating the above rules will be fined with an amount of Rs. 500/-.
  • All the students are advised to follow college mobile policy.

Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC)

This cell aims to look into the complaints lodged by any students and redress it as per requirement. Students can state their grievance regarding any academic and non-academic matter through the grievance/suggestion box or can submit directly to the grievance redressal cell.

Ragging: Prohibition, Prevention and Punishment

The University Grants Commission vide its letter no. F. 1-16/2007 (CPP-II) dated June 17, 2009 has reiterated the ban on ragging of students in Institutions of Higher learning. The students are therefore directed to strictly desist from any kind of ragging.

Forms of Ragging:

Display of noisy, disorderly conduct, teasing, excitement by rough or rude treatment or handling, including rowdy, undisciplined activities which cause or likely to cause annoyance, undue hardship, physical or psychological harm or raise apprehensive fear in fresher, or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such a student will not do in ordinary course and which causes her shame of embarrassment or danger to her life etc.

Punishment for Participation in/or Abetment Ragging:

  1. Cancellation of admission.
  2. Suspension from attending classes.
  3. Withholding/Withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.
  4. Debarring from appearing in any test/examinations or other evaluation process.
  5. Withholding results.
  6. Debarring from representing the institution in any national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
  7. Suspension/expulsion from the hostel.
  8. Rustication form the institution for period varying from 1 to 4 semesters or equivalent period for PG students and 3 years for UG students.
  9. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution.
  10. Fine up to Rs. 25000/-

Affidavit by students and parents

Each students and his/her parents/guardian shall have to furnish an affidavit along with the application form to the effect that they will not participate in or abet the act of ragging and that, if found guilty, shall be liable for punishment under the penal law of India.